A Guide to Sauna Temperature: How Hot Is a Sauna and What to Expect?

How Hot is a Sauna?

sauna bath

Saunas are the best way to relax, detoxify, and improve your health. But before hopping into one, most people want to know—how hot is a sauna? Sauna heat varies widely depending on the type and can range anywhere from 120°F to over 200°F. 

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about sauna temperatures, including the ideal heat for health benefits, safety precautions to take, and how temperature varies between different types of saunas and cultures worldwide. 

Read on to learn what temperature is best for you and how to maximize the rewards that heat therapy has to offer.


Understanding How Hot is a Sauna: Traditional vs Infrared Sauna

According to a study, using an infrared and/or traditional Finnish sauna regularly can be really good for your health. It's especially helpful for people who have heart problems or diseases that affect their joints and muscles. Also, athletes who want to perform better in sports might find it beneficial.

However, when talking about saunas, one of the first questions people ask is, “How hot does it get?” The answer varies depending on the type of steam sauna.

Traditional Sauna: Temperature Ranges and Environment

Traditional steam saunas are what most people envision when they imagine a sauna. They are usually made of wood and get their heat from a stove with hot rocks on top. Saunas typically have a temperature range of 150°F to 195°F (65°C to 90°C).

A traditional sauna is not just about how hot the air is. When you pour water on the hot rocks, it creates steam, which makes the room feel even hotter. This steam room helps you sweat more, which is a big part of the sauna experience. Heat and steam make traditional steam saunas warm and humid.

Infrared Saunas: A Different Approach to Heat

Infrared saunas work differently. Instead of heating the air around you, they use infrared light to warm your body directly. Infrared saunas have lower air temperatures, usually between 120°F and 150°F (about 49°C to 65°C).

Because infrared saunas don’t rely on hot air and steam, they feel different. Infrared saunas provide a unique experience with their dry heat. The infrared light penetrating the body is deeper than the moist heat of traditional steam saunas. This can be more comfortable for some people, especially if they find traditional saunas too intense.

Factors Influencing Sauna Temperature

Several things can affect how hot a sauna feels. Here are a few:

  1. Type of Sauna: As mentioned, traditional saunas are hotter than infrared ones.
  2. Size and Insulation: A smaller sauna or one with good insulation gets hotter faster.
  3. Number of People: More people in the sauna can make it hotter because of the extra body heat.
  4. Air Humidity: In traditional saunas, adding water to the rocks increases humidity, making the air feel hotter.
  5. Personal Tolerance: Everyone reacts to heat differently. What feels hot to one person might not feel the same to another.


Health and Safety: The Ideal Sauna Temperature for You



Using a sauna for bathing can be great for your health, but it's imperative to do it safely. Everyone has their own comfort level with heat, and there are some health things to think about.

Here’s how you can find the right sauna temperature for you and stay safe.

Determine Your Comfort Zone in Sauna Heat

Finding the right temperature for your sauna time is like finding the right bathwater temperature—it's different for everyone. Start with a lower temperature, maybe around 150°F (65°C) for traditional saunas or 120°F (49°C) for infrared sauna temperature. Stay for about 5–10 minutes to see how you feel. If it feels okay and you're not too hot, you can try a bit higher next time.

The goal is to relax and feel good, not to endure as much heat as possible. It’s okay to take it slow and find what works best for you.

Health Considerations and Safe Temperature Practices

If you have certain health conditions, like heart problems or high blood pressure, or if you’re pregnant, you should talk to a doctor before using a sauna. They can help you understand what’s safe for you.

When you're in the sauna, keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t stay in too long. Start with short sessions and take breaks.
  • While enjoying a sauna session, be mindful of your core body temperature to ensure a safe and beneficial experience, avoiding overheating or discomfort.
  • Drink water before and after your sauna to keep from getting dehydrated.
  • Avoid alcohol before using the sauna, as it can increase the risk of dehydration and overheating.

Signs to Watch for Overheating

While you're in the sauna, pay attention to how your body feels. If you start feeling any of these things, it’s time to get out and cool down.

  • Dizziness or feeling light-headed
  • Headache
  • Nausea or feeling like you might throw up
  • Extreme sweating, more than usual
  • Heart beating very fast or feeling irregular

These signs mean your body is getting too hot and needs a break. It's always better to be cautious and take care of yourself.

By knowing your comfort zone at hotter temperatures, considering your health, and being aware of overheating signs, you can enjoy the sauna safely and comfortably.


Maximizing Benefits: How to Use Sauna Heat Effectively

Saunas can be very healthy for you, but it's important to do them the right way. This will help you get the most out of your sauna time.

Let’s look at how long and how often you should use the sauna, why drinking water is important, and how to cool down after your sauna session.

Duration and Frequency of Sauna Sessions

How Long: It's best to stay in the sauna for about 5 to 15 minutes at a time. If you're new to saunas, start with 5 minutes and then slowly increase the time as you get used to it. If you feel good, you can stay a bit longer, but staying for more than 20 minutes is not a good idea.

How Often: Using a sauna 2 to 3 times a week is a good start. You can use it more often as you get more comfortable, but always listen to your body. If you feel good, you might use the sauna every day for a short time.

Hydration and Sauna Use

Drinking enough water is super important when you use a sauna. Because you sweat a lot in the sauna, your body loses water. Here’s what to do:

  • Before: Drink a glass of water before going into the sauna.
  • During: It’s okay to take a small bottle of water with you if you plan to stay for a longer session.
  • After: Once you're out of the sauna, drink more water to replace what you lost from sweating. This prevents dehydration.

Post-Sauna Cooling Down Process

Cooling down after using the sauna is just as important as the sauna itself. It helps your body get back to normal. Here’s how to do it:

  • Step Outside: After you leave the sauna, spend a few minutes in a cool place. This helps your body adjust.
  • Take a Cool Shower: A cool (not too cold) shower after the sauna is refreshing and helps bring your body temperature down.
  • Rest for a Bit: Sit or lie down for at least 10 minutes. This gives your body time to relax and get back to its normal temperature.

You can make your sauna sessions more effective and enjoyable by keeping track of time, staying hydrated, and cooling down properly.


The Cultural Aspect of Sauna Temperatures

sauna heat

Saunas are used in many places around the world, and each place has its own way of doing things. Let’s explore how different cultures enjoy saunas and how sauna temperatures vary.

Sauna Practices Around the World

Finland: In Finland, where saunas were invented, almost every house has a sauna. Saunas in Finland are often very hot. Temperatures range from 176°F to 212°F (80°C to 100°C). It’s common to jump into a cold lake or roll in the snow after a sauna.

The Finnish Sauna Society, an organization dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional sauna culture, offers insights into the authentic Finnish sauna experience, emphasizing the importance of temperature, duration, and post-sauna rituals.

Russia: In Russia, the “banya” is like a sauna. It’s usually not as hot as Finnish saunas, about 158°F to 194°F (70°C to 90°C). People often hit themselves or friends gently with leafy branches to improve blood flow.

Japan: In Japan, the “onsen” is a natural hot spring bath, not exactly a sauna, but it’s used for relaxation too. Onsen water is naturally hot, usually around 100°F to 108°F (38°C to 42°C).

How Sauna Temperatures Vary by Culture

  • High Heat: Some places, like Finland, prefer very high heat in their saunas, believing it’s the best way to clean the body and mind.
  • Moderate Heat: Others, like Russia, use lower heat, focusing more on the experience, like using branches in banyas.
  • Gentle Heat: In places like Japan, the focus is on gentle, natural heat from hot springs.

Personalize Your Sauna Experience

how hot is a sauna

Everyone likes their sauna differently. Here’s how to find the correct way to use a sauna and make your sauna time great.

Find Your Ideal Sauna Temperature

  • Start Low: Begin with a lower temperature, like 150°F (65°C), and see how it feels.
  • Go up slowly. If you’re comfortable, try a little higher next time. Find a point where it feels good but not too hot.

Tips for Adjusting Temperature in Home Saunas

  • Use a Thermometer: Keep a thermometer in your sauna to know the exact temperature.
  • Adjust Slowly: If you have a home sauna, change the temperature in small steps. This way, you won’t make it too hot too quickly.
  • Ventilation: Adjust the vents or open the door slightly if it gets too hot.

When to Adjust Temperature for Health Benefits

  • Relaxation: For just relaxing, a moderate temperature like 150°F to 170°F (65°C to 77°C) is great.
  • Muscle Relief: If you want to help sore muscles, a bit higher, like 175°F to 190°F (80°C to 88°C), can be good.
  • Detox: For deep sweating or detox, higher temperatures, close to 190°F (88 °C), are often used. But always be careful and don’t overdo it.

The perfect temperature for your sauna is the one that feels best for you. It’s all about what makes you comfortable and happy.


In Summary

Finding your perfect sauna temperature is a personal journey that depends on your comfort level, health status, and what you want to get out of the experience. Listen to your body, start low, and slowly increase the heat to find your sweet spot. Stay hydrated, cool down properly after your session, and be mindful of overheating signs. With some experimentation to discover your ideal temperature, saunas can be an amazing and healthy experience you can enjoy for years to come.


Frequently Asked Questions About Sauna Temperatures

When it comes to sauna temperatures, people often have several questions. Here are some common inquiries and their answers to help you understand how hot a sauna is.

How hot does a sauna get?

Traditional steam saunas usually reach temperatures from 150°F to 195°F (65°C to 90°C), while infrared saunas are cooler, generally between 120°F and 150°F (49°C to 65°C).

Is There a 'Best' Temperature for a Sauna?

There isn't a single 'best' temperature for a sauna; it varies based on personal comfort and tolerance. It's advisable to start at a lower temperature and gradually increase until you find your ideal setting.

Can a sauna be too hot?

Yes, a sauna can become too hot, particularly if it leads to dizziness, headaches, or nausea. It's important to listen to your body's signals and step out if they feel overly intense.

How Quickly Do Saunas Heat Up?

The heating time for a sauna can vary. Small home saunas might take about 30–40 minutes, while larger, public saunas could take longer to reach the desired temperature.

Should the temperature be different for kids or older people?

Lower temperatures are recommended for children and older adults. Consulting a doctor beforehand is particularly important for these age groups and anyone with existing health conditions.

How do I know if the sauna temperature is safe for me?

To ensure safety, begin with shorter sauna sessions at lower temperatures. If you have any heart-related or other significant health issues, seek medical advice before using a sauna.

Can I change the temperature in a public sauna?

In public saunas, the temperature is typically set to a standard level that's considered safe for general use, so individual adjustments are usually not possible.


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