Infrared Sauna Benefits and Disadvantages

Should You Use an Infrared Sauna? Benefits and Disadvantages

Infrared saunas have become an increasingly popular wellness trend in recent years. As a modern twist on the traditional sauna, infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit infrared light that is absorbed by the skin, raising your body temperature and inducing sweating.

But are infrared saunas all they're hyped up to be? While research shows both traditional and infrared saunas may offer various potential health perks like cardiovascular improvements, detoxification, and pain relief, infrared saunas also come with some drawbacks to consider.

In this blog post, we’ll break down exactly how infrared saunas work, highlight the evidence-based infrared sauna health benefits, and outline key disadvantages you should keep in mind before using an infrared sauna. We’ll also provide safety tips and usage guidelines so you can make an informed decision about whether infrared sauna usage aligns with your health and wellness routine.

What is an Infrared Sauna?

Infrared Sauna

An infrared sauna uses infrared light instead of steam to heat your body. It works by using infrared heaters to emit infrared rays that are absorbed by the skin. This causes your core body temperature to rise, making you sweat and providing the health benefits of a traditional sauna.

Unlike regular saunas that heat the air to over 200°F, infrared saunas only need to reach about 120–140°F. The lower temperature makes them more comfortable for more people. You can get more heat from infrared rays because they penetrate deeper into your skin. They heat your body directly, rather than simply heating the air.

Infrared saunas heat up faster, are less expensive to operate, and are safer for those who have difficulty breathing very hot, humid air. 

Some people may prefer the feel of an intensely hot, steam-filled traditional sauna, but infrared saunas provide a sweating and relaxation experience comparable to traditional saunas.

What are the Types of Infrared Sauna?

Infrared saunas come in various types, each using different technologies and offering unique features. Understanding these variations can help you choose the right infrared sauna for your needs.

1. Far-Infrared Saunas (FIR)

Far-infrared saunas are the most common type. They use far-infrared light to heat the body directly. A far-infrared sauna typically operates at a lower temperature compared to traditional saunas, making it more comfortable for longer sessions.

Benefits: Far-infrared saunas may be effective for deep tissue penetration, detoxification, and relaxation. Ideal for those who prefer a milder heat experience.

2. Near-Infrared Saunas (NIR)

Near-infrared saunas use light closer to the visible spectrum, focusing more on surface-level heat. These saunas often use incandescent infrared heat lamps.

Benefits: Near-Infrared Saunas (NIR) can promote skin health, wound healing, and cellular health. It’s more targeted towards skin therapy and surface-level heat treatment.

3. Full-Spectrum Infrared Saunas

Full-spectrum infrared saunas combine far, mid, and near-infrared technologies. They offer a comprehensive range of benefits by providing different wavelengths of infrared light.

Benefits: Full-Spectrum Infrared Saunas may offer the combined potential benefits of FIR and NIR, including deep tissue penetration, skin health, and a balanced heat therapy experience.

4. Portable Infrared Saunas

Portable infrared saunas are compact and foldable, making them ideal for those with limited space or who want the flexibility to use the sauna in different locations.

Benefits: Convenience and portability. Though smaller and less powerful, they still provide many of the potential benefits of stationary infrared saunas.

5. Infrared Sauna Blankets

These are essentially blankets or mats embedded with infrared heating elements. Users wrap themselves in these blankets for a sauna experience.

Benefits: Extreme portability and ease of storage. Suitable for targeted treatments and those who prefer a more confined sauna space.

6. Custom Infrared Saunas

Custom-built saunas are tailored to specific needs and spaces. They can be designed to accommodate specific sizes, shapes, or additional features.

Benefits: Personalization to fit individual preferences and spatial requirements. They offer the flexibility of incorporating specific types of infrared technology.

Each type of infrared sauna offers unique potential health benefits and experiences. Your choice will depend on your specific health goals, space availability, budget, and personal preferences. Whether you’re looking for something portable, customizable, or with specific potential health benefits, there’s an infrared sauna type that can meet your needs.

The Potential Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas

Benefits of infrared saunas

Infrared saunas are a modern twist on the traditional sauna experience, using infrared light to generate heat. This form of heat therapy has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, differing from conventional saunas in that it heats the body directly rather than the air around it. 

Here's a closer look at some of the well-known potential benefits of infrared sauna bathing.

Enhances skin tone

Infrared saunas can potentially impact your skin's health and appearance. The deep heat increases blood flow and promotes sweating, which may help to remove impurities from your skin. It also stimulates collagen production, a vital protein for skin elasticity. The result is a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, leading to a more youthful and vibrant skin tone.

Removes toxins from your body

An important benefit of the infrared sauna experience is detoxification. Sweating is a natural way for your body to eliminate toxins. The deep penetration of infrared heat allows for a more intense sweat at a lower temperature than in traditional saunas, facilitating the release of accumulated toxins.

Reduction of body weight

While an infrared sauna alone is not a magic solution for weight loss, it can complement diet and exercise efforts. The heat generated can increase heart rate and metabolic rate, mimicking the effects of moderate exercise. While most of the weight lost in a sauna session is water weight, regular sessions may contribute to calorie burn and weight control.

Improves cardiovascular health

Using an infrared sauna may potentially affect your cardiovascular health. The infrared sauna heat dilates blood vessels, improving circulation and reducing high blood pressure. This mirrors the benefits of light exercise, making it a potential therapy for those with cardiovascular conditions or limitations in physical activity.

Provides pain relief

Infrared sauna heat can penetrate deep into muscles and joints, providing potential relief from pain. This can be especially beneficial for those with chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, or muscle injuries. The infrared heat may help to reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation, offering a natural and non-invasive pain relief option.

Heals wounds

Emerging research suggests that infrared therapy may accelerate wound healing. The enhanced circulation and increased oxygenation of tissues may foster a conducive environment for cell repair and regeneration. Infrared sauna treatments can be particularly beneficial for individuals with slow-healing wounds, such as diabetics.

Increases your blood circulation

Enhanced blood flow is one of the key benefits of infrared sauna use. Improved circulation can support heart health and promote better overall bodily function. It assists in delivering more oxygen and nutrients to tissues, aiding in recovery from fatigue and muscle soreness.

Relieves Chronic Fatigue

Infrared saunas have shown possible signs of combating the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. The soothing warmth and relaxation effects may help alleviate fatigue, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being. Regular sessions might offer a non-pharmacological approach to managing chronic fatigue symptoms.


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What are the Disadvantages of an Infrared Sauna?

While infrared saunas offer numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of their potential disadvantages. Knowing the disadvantages of infrared saunas can help you make an informed decision and use infrared saunas safely and effectively.

Overheating and Dehydration

Risk of Overheating

Prolonged exposure to infrared sauna high temperatures can lead to overheating. Overheating symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and fainting. You must monitor the time spent in the sauna to avoid these risks.


As the body sweats in response to the heat, the risk of dehydration increases. This can be particularly concerning for those who do not hydrate sufficiently before and after sauna use.

Infrared Sauna are Not Suitable for Everyone

Medical Conditions

Individuals with certain health conditions, such as heart disease, low blood pressure, or severe asthma, may find infrared sauna use inappropriate or risky.


Pregnant women are generally advised to avoid sauna use due to the potential risk of overheating, dehydration, and altered blood flow, which could affect the fetus.

Medication Interaction

Some medications can interfere with the body's natural heat regulation or response to dehydration, making sauna use more hazardous for those on such medications.

Potential for False Health Claims

Unsubstantiated Claims

There are many claims about the health benefits of infrared saunas, but not all are backed by scientific evidence. Users should be cautious about believing in exaggerated or unproven claims about the sauna's effects on health conditions.

Skin Irritation and Discomfort

Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you may experience irritation or discomfort due to heat and sweating. This can include rashes or aggravated skin conditions.

Eye and Airway Irritation

The dry heat can sometimes irritate the eyes and airways, especially in individuals with respiratory issues or eye sensitivities.

Space and Cost Considerations

Space Requirements

Installing an infrared sauna at home requires dedicated space, which may not be feasible for everyone.


The initial investment in purchasing and installing a home infrared sauna can be significant, along with ongoing maintenance and electricity costs.

Although infrared saunas can be a valuable tool for relaxation and health, it's crucial to consider these drawbacks. Users should weigh the pros and cons, consult with healthcare professionals if they have health concerns, and use the sauna responsibly to avoid negative side effects.

Is Infrared Sauna Therapy Safe?

Infrared sauna therapies use infrared light to penetrate beneath the skin. Some people wonder if this type of treatment is safe. While no serious side effects have been reported, infrared sauna therapy is not suitable for everyone. Young children, elderly adults, and those prone to dehydration or heat exhaustion should use caution with this therapy.

Individuals taking medications that impair sweating should also avoid infrared saunas. It's best to consult a doctor about any pre-existing health conditions before trying this treatment.

When used appropriately, infrared sauna therapy may provide health benefits related to detoxification and addressing various issues. The ability of infrared light to induce sweating beneath the skin is what allows this therapy to offer potential wellness advantages that go beyond typical exercise.

With proper precautions, most people can safely use infrared saunas to pursue better health.

Infrared Radiation and Safety Concerns

Infrared sauna therapy uses infrared radiation, a type of light spectrum that is invisible to the eye but felt as heat. This radiation penetrates the skin, offering a deep heating effect. Concerns about the safety of infrared radiation often arise, but it's important to note that this type of radiation is generally considered safe and is not the same as ultraviolet radiation, which can cause harm to the skin.

Impact on High Blood Pressure

Individuals with high blood pressure often wonder about the safety of infrared saunas. In some cases, the heat from these saunas can cause a temporary increase in heart rate and dilation of blood vessels, similar to moderate exercise. This can potentially lead to a short-term decrease in blood pressure. However, it's crucial for those with high blood pressure to consult with a healthcare provider before using an infrared sauna.

Traditional Saunas Heat Comparison

Comparing traditional saunas' heat to infrared saunas is essential for understanding their safety profile. Traditional saunas heat the air around you to a high temperature, which in turn heats your body. This process can be intense for some people, especially those with respiratory issues or a sensitivity to extreme temperatures.

Steam Saunas Versus Infrared Saunas

Steam saunas, another popular form of sauna therapy, operate differently from infrared saunas. The moist heat of steam saunas can be beneficial for respiratory health, but it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain health conditions like asthma or skin sensitivities. In contrast, infrared saunas provide a drier form of heat, which can be more tolerable for people sensitive to high humidity.


When Should You Avoid Infrared Saunas

Certain conditions and circumstances warrant caution or complete refraining from infrared sauna use. Here’s a guide to when you should avoid using an infrared sauna room:


The high temperatures in an infrared sauna can be risky during pregnancy, potentially leading to overheating and complications. Doctors generally advise pregnant women to avoid saunas.

Cardiovascular Conditions

Individuals with heart conditions or issues with blood pressure should be cautious. The heat can cause cardiovascular stress, so it's essential to get a doctor’s clearance.


Children's bodies cannot regulate temperature as efficiently as adults. High-heat environments like saunas could pose a risk of overheating or dehydration.

Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

Alcohol or drugs can impair the body’s natural thermoregulation and increase the risk of dehydration, hypotension (low blood pressure), or even loss of consciousness.

Certain Medications

Some medications, particularly those affecting blood pressure or heart rate, can interact negatively with the heat of a sauna. Consult your doctor if you’re on any medication.

Acute Illness or Fever

If you have a fever or an acute illness, especially one involving the respiratory system, avoid the sauna. The heat can exacerbate symptoms or hinder recovery.

Severe Skin Conditions

While mild skin issues may benefit from sauna use, severe or acute skin conditions could be irritated by the heat and sweating.

Dehydration or Electrolyte Imbalance

If you’re already dehydrated or have an electrolyte imbalance, sauna use can worsen these conditions. It’s crucial to rehydrate and rebalance before considering sauna use.

After Intense Physical Activity

Directly after intense exercise, your body might need to cool down and rehydrate. Jumping into a sauna immediately after can increase the risk of dehydration and overheating.

Sensitivity to Heat

Some people have a low tolerance to heat due to various medical conditions or personal sensitivity. If heat makes you feel unwell or uncomfortable, it's best to avoid infrared saunas.

It's crucial to be aware of situations where sauna use could be harmful. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your suitability for a sauna bath. Safety should always come first.

How Do You Use an Infrared Sauna?

Using an infrared sauna can be simple and enjoyable, but it's imperative to do it correctly to maximize the potential benefits and ensure safety.

Here are the steps and tips to effectively use an infrared sauna:

Preparing for Your Infrared Sauna Session

  1. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before you enter the infrared sauna. Proper body hydration is key to a safe and effective sauna experience, as you'll be sweating out a lot of fluids.
  2. Eat Lightly: It's best to eat a light meal a few hours before your session. Avoid going in on a full stomach, but also don't enter the sauna on an empty stomach.
  3. Wear Comfortable Clothing: Wear light, breathable clothing or a bathing suit. Some people prefer to go in with minimal clothing to maximize skin exposure to the infrared heat.
  4. Remove Metal Objects: Take off any metal jewelry or accessories, as they can heat up and cause discomfort.

Using the Infrared Sauna

  1. Set the Infrared Sauna Temperature: Infrared saunas typically operate between 100°F and 150°F. If you're a beginner, start at the lower end of this range.
  2. Start with Short Infrared Sauna Sessions: Begin with 10-15 minute infrared sauna sessions and gradually increase the duration. Eventually, you can work up to 20–30 minute sessions.
  3. Relax and Enjoy: Once inside, sit back, relax, and enjoy the warmth. You can meditate, listen to music, or just enjoy quiet time.
  4. Stay Hydrated: It's a good idea to have water with you in the sauna to stay hydrated throughout the session.

After the Infrared Sauna Session

  1. Cool Down Gradually: Allow your body to cool down naturally after the session. Avoid taking a cold shower immediately; instead, sit or lie down for a few minutes.
  2. Rehydrate: Drink water or an electrolyte-replenishing drink after your session to replace lost fluids.
  3. Rest if Needed: Listen to your body. If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, rest until you feel better.

Additional Tips

Frequency: For beginners, start with 1-2 sessions per week. As you get used to it, you can increase the frequency.

Cleanliness: If using a public sauna, ensure it's clean and well-maintained. If you own a sauna, follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and maintenance.

Health Considerations: Consult with a healthcare professional before you start an infrared sauna therapy, especially if you have health concerns or conditions.

Using an infrared sauna can benefit your wellness routine. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe, comfortable, and effective sauna experience. The key to a successful infrared sauna session is to listen to your body and adjust your routine as needed.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas are becoming increasingly popular, but they often raise questions regarding their use, safety, and benefits. Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about infrared saunas.

What is the difference between an infrared sauna and a traditional sauna?

The main difference lies in how they generate heat. Traditional saunas use steam or dry heat to warm the air, which then heats your body. Infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit infrared light, which directly warms your body without significantly heating the surrounding air. This results in a more comfortable experience at lower temperatures.

How often should I use an infrared sauna?

This varies based on personal preference and tolerance. Beginners might start with 1-2 sessions per week, gradually increasing to 3-4 times weekly. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly.

Can infrared saunas help with weight loss?

Infrared saunas can aid in your weight loss efforts by increasing your heart rate and metabolic rate, similar to moderate exercise. However, they should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise for significant weight loss results.

Are infrared saunas safe for everyone?

While generally safe, they may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions, those taking specific medications, or pregnant women should consult a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna.

How long should a session in an infrared sauna last?

A typical session lasts between 20-30 minutes. Beginners should start with shorter infrared sauna sessions (10-15 minutes) and gradually increase the duration as you get used to the heat.

What should I wear to an infrared sauna?

Lightweight, breathable clothing or a bathing suit is recommended. Some people prefer minimal clothing to maximize skin exposure to the infrared rays.

Can I use an infrared sauna if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, but it’s important to start with shorter, less frequent sessions to see how your skin reacts. People with certain skin conditions should consult their dermatologist before using an infrared sauna.

Do infrared saunas help with detoxification?

Yes, the deep sweating induced by infrared saunas can help flush out toxins from the body. However, it's important to stay hydrated and not rely solely on saunas for detoxification.

Is it necessary to shower after using an infrared sauna?

Yes, it's advisable to shower after a session to rinse off sweat and toxins expelled from the body, helping to keep your skin clean and clear.

Can I use my phone or electronic devices in an infrared sauna?

It’s not recommended, as the heat and sweat can damage electronic devices. It's best to use this time to relax and disconnect from technology.


Infrared saunas can be an appealing option if you're looking to enhance your health, promote relaxation, or complement your fitness routine. The unique ability of infrared rays to heat the body directly offers some intriguing potential upsides.

However, as with any heat therapy, it is imperative to weigh the pros and cons before jumping into the regular use of an infrared sauna. There are situations in which sauna use would be inappropriate or downright dangerous. It’s also key to moderate the frequency and duration to avoid health risks.

If you carefully consider your personal health conditions, follow usage guidelines, stay hydrated, and listen to your body, infrared therapy may be a worthwhile addition to your self-care practices. Consult your doctor if you have concerns about its suitability.

When used properly by otherwise healthy individuals, infrared saunas can be a safe, accessible way to soak in the perks of heat therapy. But some degree of caution is warranted to ensure safety and ideal outcomes. Find an informed balance that aligns with your goals and your current state of health.


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